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The Energy Agency in the Slovenian energy market

Slovenia joined the EU as part of the single market in the energy sector and had to establish a comparable energy system in Europe. This led to the liberalisation of the energy market on the basis of EU directives and regulations, which enabled the development of competition between market participants through clearly defined rules. The Energy Agency is established as the regulator of the Slovenian energy market under the legislation and is therefore responsible for the preparation and compliance of these rules.

The regulator's task is to create the conditions for the development of competition and to ensure that it operates in line with the requirements for a sustainable, reliable and high-quality supply. In order to act in the interests of all market participants, the regulator must be politically and financially independent, which is why the agency is not financed from the state budget but from network charges.


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22.01.2015 11:01
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23.11.2022 10:38